organisation, Admin BanditNFP professionals frequently have full inboxes, overflowing stacks of files, and a dozen phone calls to make. To prevent burning out and becoming overwhelmed, we’ve created five best practices to help you move smoothly from one project to the next, all in a timely and organised pace. So get ready to move those files off of your desk with these organisational tips!

1. Clutter is the enemy of an organised mind. Take some time to clear your desk and make three piles – Toss, Current, or File. Go ahead and throw the Toss pile out, file away the Files, and set aside the Current pile until step 2. Delete old voicemails, clean out your inbox and get rid of anything that has not been used in the past year. Lastly, your social media profiles may be burdensome, clogged, or utterly ignored. Clean them up!  Delete any profile that is not being used, as it reflects poorly upon your NFP. Now that your work environment is decluttered, it’s easier to focus on one task at a time!

2. Prioritise your Current workload and tasks to prevent last minute rushes. Sometimes, a job may not be urgent, but wait a week, and you’ll be scrambling to get it done on time. In Kim Klein’s book, Reliable Fundraising in Unreliable Times, the author suggests four types of work categories: Important, Urgent, Not Important, and Not Urgent. These groups can help to assist in the Current workload, and will also provide an excellent overview of your near future.

3. Strategy is the key to transforming a great idea into a program that works. Like the suggestions above, take your ideas to the next level by infusing them with defined actions. WHO is going to do WHAT? WHEN is this going to happen, and WHERE? HOW are you going to accomplish this? If possible, delegate specific tasks to your colleagues, and then get a follow-up meeting on your schedule.

4. Your NFP’s mission statement should be front and centre. Visualise what you do to contribute to the goals of your organisation. Throughout all of these steps, keep a clear vision of what it is that you do, together and individually.

5. Take it easy for a few moments here and there, and don’t forget to smile! In all of the hustle and bustle of work, STOP! Deeply inhale and exhale a few times, stand up and stretch! Get a drink of water and a quick ray of sunshine! Leave the building for lunch (instead of answering emails and phone calls).

These steps will assist you with your task load, and help create a more organised you. When these suggestions are implemented, you will likely discover that your productivity has had a boost, all the while enjoying a healthier and more relaxed pace at your workplace!