advocacyAdvocacy is an often overlooked duty that is seeing greater attention and focus by many NFP boards. This is likely due to a loss in funding from both public and private sources in the aftermath of the global downturn.  As reported in an article earlier this year by Devex,  Australian charities and other non-profit organisations are facing increased pressures to secure funding due to drastic, ongoing cuts to Australia’s budget.

The Role of the Advocate

Despite the current state of the economy, nonprofits have always needed the support of strong advocates for their cause. At its heart, advocacy is an opportunity to speak on behalf of those who do not have a voice to ensure that their concerns and viewpoints are heard and considered when public policies are being developed and enacted.

Without advocacy, politicians and other leaders have little insight into the true needs of the various communities that are served by NPOs.  Advocacy not only provides a platform for the members of your community to be heard, it also increases transparency and accountability of politicians and governing officials as advocates remind them of the community’s needs and rights.

Knowledge is Power, and a Key Duty of Nonprofit Board Members

Some board members are reluctant to step into the role of advocate for their nonprofit because they worry that they don’t “know enough” or have enough experience in convincing others of the importance of their NPO’s mission and the impact from both public and private funding. Others worry that their inexperience could lead to a decrease in funding, or policy decisions that could adversely affect their nonprofit.

Board members that are reluctant to step into the role of advocate would be wise to consider the fact that as a board member, they are in a unique position to inform and educate others about the needs of their service community, as well how their group’s mission works to meet those needs. After all, who has more knowledge about the good work and services that your NPO does than you and your other board members?

If you, as a board member, will not stand up and speak out about the needs and rights of the members of your service community, who will? Local, state and federal leaders and regulators, as well as the community at large, need your input in order to see that their policies respect the rights and needs of the members of your community.

A Helpful Guide on the Responsibilities of NPO Board Members

As a board member of a nonprofit, not only are you uniquely qualified to fill the role of advocate for your NPO, it is also your responsibility. The need for NPO boards to place a greater emphasis on advocacy  to help advance their mission  is of key importance in the newly released third edition of the Ten Basic Responsibilities of Non- Profit Boards by Boardsource.

This latest edition has been updated to include information about the changing roles that board members must fill during times of greater financial and regulatory uncertainty. A special emphasis is placed on how board members should act to fill the role of the advocate on behalf of their nonprofit.  A self-assessment for individual board members, as well as a thorough discussion of the duties and responsibilities of board members, is included in its pages.

Got Advocacy?

When was the last time that you spoke out about the work that your nonprofit does, its mission and goals? If you’ve been standing back and silently watching with dismay as your NPO faces a new round of funding cuts it is likely that it’s well past time for you to break your silence and speak out!