You asked for it … so we created it!

New Admin Bandit Gold Admin Bandit is pleased to announce the release of Admin Bandit Gold (6 User) Licence, which, gives more than one person in your organisation access to your accounts with their own login plus extra report options to combine accounts.

The AB Gold version has the same features users of our regular software love plus a bit more. By filling in a few simple fields or clicking your mouse, we guide you, step-by-step, through everything you need to do to manage your organisation’s money correctly. You can:

• Track income and expenses
• Manage members and their fees
• Plan and budget fundraising
• Generate 16 super useful reports
• Add sponsors and upload logos, and
• Customise terms and categories to suit your unique needs.

An extra feature, however, makes the world of difference to some organisations … multiple people — one volunteer treasurer and up to five collaborators — can access the books.

Here’s how it works….

As per our standard accounting software, Admin Bandit issues a username and password to a volunteer treasurer when their organisation purchases an AB Gold licence … and this person gets to be boss!

Okay, we’re getting a little carried away. In consultation with the committee and organisation, the volunteer treasurer registers additional people to use the software. There’s no waiting for extra usernames and passwords — as soon as Admin Bandit supplies the initial username and password, the volunteer treasurer creates (or later changes) these on the spot.

Their power (oops, we mean options) doesn’t stop there. The volunteer treasurer then creates a version of the software for each additional user, choosing how much or little access collaborators have by configuring which bank accounts and functions they can view and modify. The process is a simple matter of checking boxes, yet each profile can be different and tailored in great detail. When logged in, individual users only see those parts of Admin Bandit to which they have access — unauthorised bank accounts and functions are completely invisible.

Existing users will know how easy it is to set up and use Admin Bandit’s functions, and the new multiple user feature is no different. As with most other administrative (as opposed to accounting) tasks, you’ll find it in the Options menu on the main tool bar.

Click on Collaborators’ List, which is the sixth, and last, choice in the pull-down menu. As the name suggests, this list is a summary table of all additional users and is the place from which you add new collaborators, configure their access, and examine, edit and delete data about them.

Creating a new collaborator takes no more effort than clicking on the New Collaborator link, and filling in the personal and contact details for that person, and registering a username and password.

Configuring access is just as easy … click on the little person icon , the third of four icons in the final column of the Collaborators’ List, to open the Collaborator Access Configuration screen. Here, you’ll find a complete list of your organisation’s bank accounts and Admin Bandit’s functions, each with its own check box — simply mark those requiring access, save in one fell swoop … and your new collaborator can immediately get cracking!

So how might our AB Gold licence benefit an organisation? Here are some examples:

• Membership officer could have access to entering, editing, importing or exporting member details.
• Executive committee could print end-of-year reports for strategic planning.
• Fundraising could plan and budget for events.
• Another committee member could do the accounts when the volunteer treasurer is sick or on holiday.

Essentially, our AB Gold licence is about flexibility and convenience — we offer your people a way to work faster and more effectively, whatever their roles. The result is a more streamlined organisation, one better placed to serve the community and achieve its goals.