blogOne of the keys to building your online following is fresh content. If you’re looking for inspiration, why not consider one or more of the following topics for your next blog post?

Answer Questions

Does your NFP receive a lot of questions about your work via email? Why not take a look at the questions that you are most frequently asked and answer one or more of them in a blog post? Being open, and helpful, is a great way to increase trust and loyalty with your followers.

If you’ve already created one or more posts around this topic, you can also go to a public forum such as Quora to see if there are questions asked there that you have the background and expertise to answer, and, contribute meaningfully to their community. You can then create a post on this topic, and link to the answer that you supplied in the forum. Not only does this improve your NFP’s reputation, but it may also encourage members of the forum to visit your nonprofit’s site to learn more about your cause and increase the reach of your message.

Use Interviews to Add a Human, and Personal, Element to Your Storytelling

Give your audience an insider’s view of the work accomplished by your nonprofit. Conduct an interview with those who are close to your NFP and then publish it as a post on your site. Individuals that you might consider talking to are your volunteers, staff members, your director, vendors, donors, recipients of your services and members of your board. Questions you might ask include how many years they’ve been involved with your nonprofit, how your NFP’s work makes their life better, or why your cause matters to them.

Be a Resource

Is there pending legislation, or, recent research that has been conducted, that impacts your NFP’s cause or somehow relates to the work that you do to help others? Sharing news and other information that relates to your NFP and its core mission is a great way to stir interest in your work, and, can encourage others to view your posts as a valuable resource that helps them stay current on important events and other news.

Research Top Trending Topics

One way to increase the number of views on your posts is to write an article about a topic that is trending at the moment. Google’s free keyword research tool can help you find the top trending topics, as well as their related keywords. Writing a post around these topics and keywords can help you create posts that provide information that your audience already wants to learn more about!

Recaps and Announcements

Posts that keep your audience up-to-date on your NFP’s special events will likely be popular with your supporters. One idea that you might try is to create photo essays that show all of the fun and excitement that occurred at your latest gala or similar celebration. You could also write a recap of your latest happenings, or write up a formal announcement, or press release, that provides details about an upcoming event.

Finally, if you are truly running out of ideas for your blog, why not consider writing a guest post on a related blog in exchange for someone from that organisation writing a post for you? Guest posts are an excellent way for organisations to gain fresh ideas, and increase the reach of their messaging.