softwareHaving software which is easy to use is important for all volunteer treasurers. It can dramatically improve the time you spend balancing the books and preparing the financial reports.

However, getting all members of the committee on board can be problematic. Here are some tips to help you encourage the members to support your software goal.

Provide your reasoning

You need to be compelling with your arguments and demonstrate the benefits for the entire non-profit. Once they understand the benefits, then it is much easier to coax them around to your way of thinking.

Some of the main reasons could include:

- Total transparency for the organisation
- More straightforward handover for new staff members
- Secure information storage
- Professional customised reports
- Clear financial reporting at all times
- Easy access from any location with cloud storage

Get influencers onboard

If you want to be tactical about it, then getting influencers onboard is a great way to go about it. They can do the talking for you and convince the others to follow suit. If there are more than one or two people who are opting to go in one direction, then many of the members may be interested in following your guidance.

Show them the evidence

Don’t just tell them about it – show them. If you can put together professional reports at the push of a button, then do it. Demonstrate how much easier it will be for the committee to understand the ins and outs of the financials so they can have concrete information to base their decisions on. Hand out reports to each member to demonstrate the power of well-laid out reports.