grow your NFPA key way to gather support for your NFP is to establish a solid, positive image for your nonprofit. This technique is most commonly referred to as branding. Your brand is comprised of many elements, but at its most basic level, it’s the perception that others have about what your nonprofit stands for.

These perceptions are influenced by many factors, but primarily your brand image is based upon other’s interactions and communications with your organisation. Everything, from the way that your volunteer and staff conduct themselves, both in public and private, as well as your organisation’s communications, and the work that it does in its service community, can all affect your nonprofit’s brand image. Both positive and negative impressions can be the ultimate end result.

The following are a few strategies that can help your nonprofit establish a favourable brand image. Your brand will serve as a solid foundation upon which to grow your NFP and increase support for your organisation and the work that it does.

Define Your Organisation’s Identity

What is your organisation all about? What do you stand for? What is the purpose of your NFP, its reason for being, and what are your values? Before you can begin to build your nonprofit’s brand, you must firmly establish your organisation’s identity.

If you haven’t already done so, your nonprofit should spend some time creating its formal mission statement and deciding upon its values. Determine what sets your nonprofit apart from similar organisations and define your nonprofit’s personality.

Is Your Logo and other Visual Imagery Working to Establish Your Brand Identity?

Does your organisation have a logo? Is your logo working for you? Ideally, folks should be able to take one glance at your logo and know immediately who you are and what you stand for.

If they don’t, you need to spend some time revamping your logo so that the shapes, colours and text that it contains immediately tells others who you are and what value you have to offer them. Let the colours and images that you choose to use in your logo reflect your organisation’s values and personality.

In addition to your logo, there are other visual images that you can use to help increase the recognition of your brand. For example, many charities and associations create a mascot for their organisation. Mascots can be a fun way to increase excitement about your brand.

Mascots generate positive feelings and goodwill towards your organisation, especially if your nonprofit is focused on providing services or is in some way connected with sports and athletics. A mascot can be used in your logo or elsewhere as an image in your communications. Some mascots even act as ambassadors for their nonprofit when they make public appearances.

Are Your Key Messages in Keeping with the Image You Want for Your Brand?

Messaging can take many forms and includes your nonprofit’s tagline or motto, your position statement and even the requests, and other information that you send to volunteers, donors and other supporters. The words and images that you choose and the tone of voice that you use, should be in keeping with the image that you want others to have of your brand. Remember, the message itself should be relevant to your audience to ensure that your brand is on target, creating the results you desire for your nonprofit.