pexels-photo-414630Not-for-profits have been utilising content marketing for quite a while because the results are evident. Through the use of content marketing, not only can they increase their marketing reach but it comes at a much lesser cost than other marketing options. With over 50,000 charities in Australia, you must rise above the noise to get noticed and content marketing is a wonderful way to do just that.

What NFPs have going in their favour is an abundance of great stories. Not just how they got started – but more human-interest led stories which shed the light on happenings behind the scenes. People no longer want to be marketed to. They want to get to know a company and be informed of their goals, especially by those who are improving the lives of others through their cause.

To create great content, however, you must have a good understanding of who you are and where you have come from. What is your unique value proposition (UVP); what can you offer your audience? When you know this, you can communicate it clearly in your content and marketing so that everyone can see what you represent at a glance.

One of the many great things about content marketing is that it can be continued alongside your other marketing and PR ideas. It can be reused and recycled depending on your need.

Content marketing works particularly well when combined with word of mouth marketing. If you share your content online and it strikes a chord with your readers, they will only be too happy to share it. The cost of content marketing tends to have a high return on investment because of its ease of sharing the its ability to spread a message both locally and nationally, and even, globally.

Consider partnering with a large brand or even a celebrity to help raise the profile of your business. Through your content media, you can reach an audience that you may not otherwise have come across without their backing. Being able to inspire others should be at the heart of your plan. You want to reach those readers that find your brand irresistible and want to share in your goal to help others. A smaller active following is worth more than a larger non-active following any day.

If you have not yet used video to your advantage, then it is worth experimenting with this alongside your regular content marketing. If you don’t want to be videotaped, then find a willing speaker who does; one who can be considered a worthy representative of your NFP. There is nothing more powerful than a well-written and professionally presented video to get your point across.

Necessary time and staff should be allocated to create a content marketing plan that will carry you through the year. Remember that content marketing can come in many forms, including newsletters, blog posts, reports and podcasts. Having content to engage with your audience is no longer a desire. It is a necessity to guarantee online success.