pexels-photo-392018 (1)As the volunteer treasurer of a club, association or other nonprofit, it is likely that you are already aware of the need to create and put into place an effective, organised system that makes it easy to keep up with your NFP’s transactions and other financial activities. You may not have invested as much time and effort, however, into developing a way to keep up with your memberships. This is especially true if you are with a small to mid-sized organisation, where you might still be using a simple spreadsheet to record your list of members.

Admin Bandit to Manage Your Members

Do you know, with a simple tap or click, how many of your members are active, and who has dues or other fees outstanding? If you don’t, then you need an easier, less time-consuming and less labour-intensive method to keep up with your members. As a subscriber to Admin Bandit, you already have access to such a system!

Know Your Member Details and Payment Stats with One Quick Look!

With this automated software suite, you can run a Member Fees Report to see at a glance just how many active members you have, as well as group them onto teams. You will also instantly know who is up to date and whose dues remain unpaid. The software also allows you to either print out or email a Member Notice in bulk, so that you can gently remind members whose dues are late to send in their payments. You can even modify your reports to show the progress made by individual members that are making multiple payments to catch up their dues!

Make Membership Reporting Fast and Easy!

In addition to making it more straightforward to keep up with dues, fees and other payments made by your members, the software also makes it easier to keep up with your reporting duties. Detailed membership information is summarised in the Treasurers Report so that you have the data that you need to present at board and committee meetings right at your fingertips! This certainly beats using a simple spreadsheet, or another system, that would require you to hunt through individual records and make calculations to determine what percentage of member fees are still outstanding, and similar items that your board members will need to know to make more effective plans now and in the future!

Encourage Your Club or Other NFP to Grow!

Without revenue, it becomes impossible to achieve your NFP’s short and long-term goals. As you use Admin Bandit to get a clearer picture of your memberships, it becomes easier to motivate your members to become more active in your organisation and encourage them to do their part. This simple step keeps your NFP running on a sound financial footing. It also makes it easier to recruit new members to your NFP as most of us are more likely to give more of our time, effort and other resources, to organisations that are well-run and keep a close eye on their finances.

If you’ve not already tried Admin Bandit’s award-winning software, don’t forget that it makes keeping up with your NFP’s other financial details simple and easy. There’s also a 55-day free trial that you can use right now to see for yourself how much time and effort it will save you. Since it’s designed with the needs of the volunteer treasurer in mind, you should be warned that the system is so easy to use, you might find that fulfilling your duties and helping your cause isn’t rewarding, it’s actually fun!