silent hero
We spotted this lovely poem at For Volunteers where Colleen wrote the poem for National Volunteers Week in May. We loved it and hope you do, too.

Silent Heroes

There are heroes that we never see
They ride the bus with you and me
They walk among us as our peers
They are known as volunteersNo different in their look or manner

They’re someone’s mum or dad or nana
They go on quietly doing their parts
and opening their caring hearts.There’s no news crew to tell their story
There’s no desire for fame and glory

They give in humble, modest fashion
and with selflessness and passionThese silent heroes should be told
that they are worth their weight in gold
and every town and neighbourhood

should honour them for doing good.So if you know one in your town or
see one spreading love around,
shake their hand – or wave – or cheer
and show your thanks to a volunteer.

Colleen P Moyne