fundraising ideasRaising money is an essential part of running a non profit, but endless fundraisers can be a little low on ‘fun’ sometimes. In some organisations there is a temptation to do things the way they have always been done, but as the years go by, all events, even fundraisers, have to shift to suit the times. It might seem like more work at the outset, but new ideas can be a refreshing change for workers and donors alike.

If you are wondering if it is time to switch up your fundraising ideas, then it probably is. Some events need to be let go of completely, while others might benefit from updating, or being given a fresh spin. Perhaps including a new element or two is enough to liven up a traditional fundraiser that has gone stale. A gala, for instance, might get more thumbs up when a photo booth is thrown into the mix. A scavenger hunt might still be a go, but consider using phone cameras and social media to record and update progress instead of old school pencil and paper.

When thinking about changing your fundraising tactics, consider what aspects work for your organisation, and which need a rest. Some groups do good live events, others raise big money online. Combinations of the two (like challenges such as the famous “ice bucket”) have been increasing popular and successful lately. Do your donors like a serious to-do? Or does a good dose of humour sit well? Holding fundraisers that match causes well can be a short-cut to success.

If there are slots in our fundraising calendar left to fill, you can find a comprehensive list of ideas here. There should be something there to get you thinking outside the box.