
Facebook is an excellent way to connect with friends and family and even more than that, it is also a great social media tool for your nonprofit as well. However, it is easy to get distracted when you are browsing Facebook and lose your focus. If you are looking for some great tips on how to build valuable connections on Facebook, then read on.

Facebook has a personalised feel to it which makes it easy to promote marketing campaigns and fundraisers. Thanks to the easy to share tools and like functions, your campaigns can reach a wider audience with just the click of a button. But first, they have to resonate with your readers so that they feel compelled to share.

By humanising your story, your goals become more than just a corporate press release. Storytelling is one of the fastest ways to reach into the heart of your readers – show them rather than tell them. Images and videos will work in your favour and will increase the impact on your fans. Readers will feel more aligned with your mission and want to help, share and answer questions. The better the content, the more shareable your content will be to grow your community.

Make sure that if your readers take the time to post on your page, you are providing them with a reply. Many brands ignore their followers and miss out on great opportunities to build on the relationships. Constant interaction is the trick to social media because the more that occurs on the page, the better the reach.

With consistent posting, you will begin to see what works well with your audience and what doesn’t. And don’t forget it doesn’t hurt to ask for shares of your post specifically. It only takes them a second, and they will only be too happy to do it if they believe your post is of particular value or strikes a worthwhile chord.

Promotions and contests work well on Facebook s well. But remember, don’t do it for it the attention alone. You must ensure that the competition provides particular value to your nonprofit otherwise it is just not worth the effort.

You may wish to consider using targeted Facebook ads on well thought out marketing campaigns every now and again to bring in fresh eyes to your cause. It will help you widen your range and maintain a solid mix of new and old to your page.

Knowing what you want from your fans is half the battle. Once you understand that, then you can set out to achieve it through the clever integration of your online campaigns.

It comes down to community. Make your prospective donors and supporters feel welcome, wanted and supported and you are halfway there. Keep your page fresh, inspiring and above all, creative. With valuable content balanced with a sprinkle of promotion and a dash of shared community information, you will soon start to see your tenuous connections turn into positive and helpful ones.