Treasurers love Admin Bandit because it makes their job easier. Here’s a list of reasons to convince the committee to dive in.

  • Transparency for the organisation
  • Handing over is easy
  • Continuing with Admin Bandit provides historical information for new committees
  • Improved committee decision making
  • Know exactly what is in the bank and the accounts
  • Know which invoices you’ve sent and have not been paid
  • See where your petty cash is being spent
  • Information is stored securely – no risk of loss from viruses, computer crashes or theft
  • Effectively manage your GST obligations
  • Know what is working in your organisation and what isn’t
  • Easier to recruit the next treasurer
  • Finger on the pulse of memberships
  • Be confident of which events are working
  • Easily identify what payments need to be ratified by the committee
  • Understand how you’re going against the annual budget
  • Professional reports customised to your organisation
  • Accounts can be accessed from any computer with internet
  • Treasurer and member tasks can be shared
  • Clear and consistent reports
  • Software doesn’t go out of date