pexels-photo-424517Do you make most of your decisions based on analysis and critical thought, or, does your heart rule your head with your emotions driving most of your choices? Many times, our decisions are based more on our feelings and general impressions, rather than cold, pure, impersonal logic. Regardless of whether one is a thinker or a feeler, there are techniques that we can all use to help sway opinions and behaviour. Use the following tips to increase your influence with your NFP’s supporters.

Set Attainable Goals

As part of your beginning strategy, make sure that you set a realistic goal. Goals will give you and your team a greater sense of purpose and direction. Your fundraising goal shouldn’t be too easy, or too hard, it should be just enough to spur each member of your team to bring their best ideas, energy and effort to the project! Your goals should be quantifiable, and measurable. Set benchmarks to help you measure your progress throughout the fundraising campaign, and, to help you uncover flaws and other issues that you can regularly improve to increase your results!

Focus on Passion

It’s very difficult to convince others to care about a cause if you, personally, just aren’t feeling it. Make sure that the staff that you pick to work on your fundraisers are just as excited, engaged and energised about your work and the importance of a specific fundraising campaign as you are! Our attitudes are literally contagious, and the more enthusiastic you and your team is when fundraising, the more your donors and other supporters will be as well!

Illustrate Impact

Donors want to know just how their contribution makes a difference in your community. Always tie your mission to your plea for donations, and frame your impact in human, personal terms that your target audience will relate too.

Use All of Your Channels

There are several channels and devices that you can use to communicate with your supporters, make sure that you are using all of them to reach the greatest number of donors and prospects. Narrow your focus on your messaging and zero in on the needs of your donors. What makes your target audience want to give to any cause and your nonprofit in particular? Adapt your messaging to meet their needs to encourage greater giving.

Always Include a Clear Call to Action

While you shouldn’t ask for a donation with every communication, every single one of your fundraising messages should include a clear, and convincing call to action. Guide your supporters into taking a specific action in your messaging, whether it’s to give a specific amount, or to support your cause in another way, such as taking a poll, signing a petition, or giving an hour of their time during the week or to help at a special event.

Focus on Relationship Building

Don’t give up if you find that you aren’t reaching specific fundraising goals in the beginning. Cultivating donors often requires repeated contacts and spans of time. Key donors in particular that have the wherewithal to give significant gifts typically only give once they have a personal connection to a cause and its people. Invest time in expanding your contacts, communication, and, building genuine relationships with your existing donors and prospects to lay a sound foundation for future fundraising campaigns.