pexels-photo-515171Have you ever noticed how some days seem to fly by and you complete tasks almost effortlessly? On other days, it seems that despite your best efforts, you struggle to achieve even the simplest of tasks and have little to show for all of your hard work?

The following is a list of strategies to help you get more accomplished during your workweek.

Fuel Up

Our minds and bodies need to be in top shape if we want to optimise our performance. Make sure that you take the time to “fuel up” before you start your day.

This means taking the time to eat a healthy breakfast before you get started, and, making preparations to go to bed early the night before so that you get a full night’s rest.

If you have other unhealthy habits that affect your attention levels and endurance, such as smoking and over-eating, work on breaking free from these behaviours. Eating a nutritious diet and increasing your physical activity levels can strengthen your mind’s resilience and boost your body’s natural ability to resist illness and stress.

The more rested you are, the healthier you will feel, and the more you will be able to put your full attention and effort into your work.

Avoid Distractions

For the last several years, there has been a lot of focus in the workplace on the importance of multi-tasking to get more done during the day. Dividing your attention, however, can prevent you from being able to give your best effort to a project.

If you want to perform at a higher level, and complete tasks that require a lot of concentration and attention to detail, it’s best to focus solely on that task before you attempt to do something else. When you are trying to solve a difficult problem, actively take steps to eliminate disruption and distraction.

Set aside a specific segment of your day to make follow-up calls and answer emails. Let others know that you are unavailable during a specific block of the day. It really is okay if you don’t provide an immediate response and follow-up throughout the entire day.

Manage Your Energy Flows

Are you a night owl, or an early bird? At what times of the day are you the most alert? Observe how you feel throughout your workday to discover the natural peaks and valleys in your flow of energy during the day. Schedule your workload to take advantage of your natural flow of energy, willpower and stamina throughout the day.

For example, if you have complicated tasks to perform, tackle them during the part of the day when you feel the most energised, and save your easier tasks for those times throughout the day when you naturally feel a bit sluggish and tired. This way, you will be more likely to accomplish the difficult tasks that you really need to get through during the day. Working on something that doesn’t require a lot of attention and stamina when you’ve hit the low point of your energy level will help to prevent you from burning out and can even help you to recharge your energy level since the task is easier and less time-consuming.

Take Breaks

Our bodies are simply not designed to work continuously without a break. Taking breaks through the day allows you to clear the mental “cobwebs” so that your mind can literally shift gears and tackle tasks from a fresh, rejuvenated perspective.

When you take a break, you are able to relax at least a few minutes, which lowers your heart rate and cortisol levels. This simple step helps to improve your memory and ability to concentrate, as well as loosens tight muscles where you carry your stress, providing a boost to your energy levels.