content, NFPFacebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Reddit, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vine, Yik Yak, Blab, Periscope, Peach, WhatsApp, SoundCloud, Kik… the list of social media networks and social networking apps available is exhausting. However, the fact remains – and you probably already know this – humans are social beings and social networking works.

People need comfort, variety, significance, love, growth, contribution, and a sense of belonging. Social media meets those needs. As a Not For Profit (NFP), your organisation can thrive and grow, through social media. Proper use of media content can mean the difference between an inactive follower, and a fully engaged, participatory advocate.

So what are those five types of social media content your NFP should be sharing?


Create informational graphics made up of, charts, statistics, and lists of educational and engaging resources that appeal to your target market. Infographics are easy to share, but the origin can be lost. Retain the ownership and ensure the efficacy of your creations by watermarking all graphics with your logo and/or website address.

Free Resources

Compile and share useful resources for your target market, things like lessons, lists, and how-to posts. What skills and knowledge does your target market desire? What would make your audience’s life easier? People learn through a variety of ways, including audio and visual, get more bang for your buck by offering these resources in multiple formats, such as text, audio, and video.

Shareable Content

Create easily shared, concise, emotion evoking content. Use compelling photos and overlay them with inspirational quotes or testimonies. Put together appealing and uplifting “must-see” videos. Leverage this content to tell your story, allowing the people you impact, both benefactors and beneficiaries, to tell their stories. People love to share content; it helps them define who they are to their followers, consider this when creating shareable content.

Participatory Content

Mobilise the people who are passionate about your cause with fun and inviting opportunities. Giveaways, games, contests, quizzes, and polls are a few of the ways to get your content shared and get people involved on social media. Use polls to ask your audience what type of impact they’d like to see from your organisation or what kind of content they would like to see you post. What this looks like will vary depending on your brand and target market.

Fan Content

Share and celebrate content created by fans. Tag and recognise benefactors and volunteers in photographs or spotlight videos. In the Not For Profit business world, goodwill and gratitude are worth their weight in gold. Not everyone likes their “business” going viral, however. So before sharing, touch base with anyone that you tag in your content to gain prior approval.

Now that you’ve got some ideas for content that your NFP should be sharing, always ask yourself, does this content enable you to reach our goals? Will it engage our audience? Will it help with retaining and acquiring donors? Will it generate brand awareness? Will it encourage thought leadership and volunteer enrollment?

Identifying your target market is paramount to creating an effective social media marketing campaign and understanding what motivates your audience will help you determine what media content will be most powerful. After you’ve identified your target market, utilise social media to become friends with your target market, and to establish your NFP as a trusted authority and innovative, reliable performer in your field.