pexels-photo-433468Donors want to know the impact of their donations, but they also appreciate it when nonprofits express their gratitude for the contributions that they receive. After all, everyone likes to feel valued! The following strategies are a few ways to say “thanks” without breaking your budget!

Welcome Them to the Family

Without donors, most donors would not be able to achieve very much. When someone gives your nonprofit a gift, make sure that you take steps to welcome them to your organisation. Present them with a packet of information that provides details about the work that you do, and how they are helping you to achieve your NFP goals. Designate a personal contact with your NFP that donors can reach out to if they have questions and to help them feel more connected with your organisation.

Handwritten Notes and Cards

In addition to the acknowledgement donors receive at the time of giving, take the time to sit down and write out your expression of thanks! Have some of your key people get in on the act. In addition to your nonprofit’s board members, volunteers and program directors can pitch in and express gratitude for the donation, as well as convey its impact! You could also send out holiday and anniversary cards celebrating donors for joining your team and thanking them for their support!

Pick Up the Phone

Set aside some time each month to personally call your key donors. In addition to thanking them for their financial gift, take the time to get to know them, on a genuine, personal level. Not only will it increase their engagement with your NFP, but you will also build your own personal network, and perhaps make a genuine, lasting friendship in the process!

Shout it Out Online

Your website and social media accounts are great places to publicly thank donors for their contributions. Not only will your donors know how your gratitude, but your post might also inspire others to give generously as well!

Donor Profiles

Another way to show your appreciation is to interview your top donors and feature the story of how they first became interested in your cause. Take care to highlight the specific impact made by their donation, and how things are being improved because of their contribution. Next, post your in-depth profile on your website or in your annual report.

VIP Donor Events

Why not host a celebratory party or invite your donors for a special tour of your facilities to acknowledge their contribution and to give your organisation the opportunity to thank your donors in person?

Photo Books or Videos

Collect images of your nonprofit in action, either candid photos or moving video images, that show the impact of donations on your work. Then, present these images to your donors in book or video file format. It’s a great way to say thanks while also stressing just what you have been able to accomplish with the help of your donors!