
Many not for profit, charities or community based organisations have a functioning Board but that does not necessarily mean it is effective or the correct decisions are being made.  In some cases, having the wrong Board members can impact on the viability of the organisation.  This could occur due to the following reasons:

  • There is a wrong mix of people on the Board.  For example there may be too many accountants, lawyers or community members and as a result the required mix of skills does not exist to effectively govern the organisation.
  • Board members are not motivated to actively participate or govern the organisation.  This could be for a number of reasons such as, not enough time to attend meetings, not reading Board papers prior to the meeting, being more interested in the recognition of being a Board member or simply not understanding the organisation and what it really does.
  • There is failure to develop and implement an effective strategic plan.  In some cases if a strategic plan exists, it is not being adhered to or monitored.
  • The Board is not clear about their roles and responsibilities. 

By having the right motivated people, the Board  can make a significant difference to the organisation, not just in relation to it being viable but being able to achieve key strategic objectives that allow the organisation to grow.

As discussed in the next post, by undertaking a Board performance review these issues and many more can be addressed with the outcome of a much more effective, motivated and skilled Board.