e-learningSometimes, Admin Bandit clients are in relatively new volunteer treasurer roles, and are only just realising how much there is to know about boards and how they are run. If you lack the knowledge or experience  to navigate the world of boards, committees, and directors, it might be worthwhile spending some time learning about how things are organised, and how to make the most of these structures. This is where e-learning can come in handy. The Australian Institute of Company Directors offers a range of relevant courses that are available to take online, ensuring they are not only useful but convenient and easily accessible.

Short and Sweet

The courses are generally short, lasting just one or two hours, and do not have to be completed in one sitting. This small time commitment makes it very easy for anyone who enrolls to complete the courses in their allotted four week period.

Defining Roles

Several of the courses focus on defining the roles of various members of organisations, including the director and the board members. With the proper understanding of the demarcation of operational territory, vital work can be achieved without being unnecessarily duplicated or left to fall through the cracks.

Making Your Boardroom Time Count

To increase organisation productivity, it can be helpful to run more efficient board meetings. There is a course devoted to just that. In the Effective Board Meeting course, attendees learn how to maximise time spent in meetings, including what preparation protocols should be followed before, as well as what steps need to be completed after board meetings.

Do You Have What it Takes (to be a director)?

Particularly useful for ambitious board members and executives, The Director Mindset course is instructive towards developing leadership skills and entering leadership roles within your organisation. Newly appointed directors will gain confidence in their new roles, with the background given in this course. Even those without directorship aspirations can gain a better understanding of what the director’s position entails.

The cost for these courses is modest compared to the impact the knowledge contained within them will have. The Australian Institute of Directors is the most prominent organisation of its kind offering opportunities for e-learning, providing expert advice and liaison with executive directors across Australia.