pexels-photo-207962Most of us spend nearly a third of our lives at our workplace, so it should come as little surprise that the quality of our lives is profoundly affected by our work. The challenges that come with meeting deadlines while juggling the demands of our personal and professional lives all take a toll on our physical and mental well-being. Workplace stress has been identified as the main contributor to a host of illnesses and conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety and depression.

Fortunately, we don’t have to consign ourselves to accepting the status quo and continue working in such an unhealthy atmosphere. The following strategies will help you create a more relaxed, positive workspace where happiness, job satisfaction and productivity flourish!

Support Your Team

Working relationships can make or break group morale and performance, which is why you need to do everything in your power to encourage open communication, mutual trust and respect, and a sense of both belonging and purpose in your workplace.

Be honest and authentic in your relationships and avoid playing favourites and participating in office dramas. Encourage a sense of camaraderie and loyalty by socialising with your team outside of the workplace. Invest time and energy into getting to know everyone and understanding who they are as individuals. Be flexible with scheduling and how you ask others to perform their work.

Help members of your team to set clear goals. Offer and seek feedback on a regular basis. Encourage your team to look for ways to grow personally, and to assume new roles professionally, and make time for development activities for yourself as well!

Focus on Your Mission to Make Work More Meaningful

Another way that you can make your work more satisfying is to keep your attention on your cause, and why you care about your nonprofit’s mission. As you go about your day, try to keep in mind just how each task and activity, no matter how large, small or repetitive it might be, contributes to advancing your mission forward.

Look for ways to help your team maintain their focus so that they come to understand that everything they do serves a greater purpose that ultimately benefits their community and makes a real difference in the lives of others.

Leave Your Work Behind You at the End of Your Work Day

When you have a lot of deadlines and are short on staff or other resources, it’s tempting to stay past your regular hours, or, to continue working on projects remotely once you leave the office. Just don’t do it. Do your mind, body and spirit a favour and give yourself permission to rest.

Set a good example for your team and avoid overworking by leaving unfinished business at work when you go for the day! Use your time away from work to spend time with your loved ones and invest time in your personal interests and passions.

Work on your hobbies, plan a trip or take a vacation to a new, faraway destination that you’ve never visited before, or take the time to learn a new skill to help keep you fresh and motivated to face new challenges in the other areas of your life!

Meet Your Team’s Needs

As you focus on creating a healthier workplace, it is critical that your actions match your words. Don’t just tell your team that you want them to be happier during the workday; survey your people to find out what they want and need to feel more satisfied in their work. While you might not be able to give your team everything that they want, narrow your list of suggestions down to the top three or four, and then create an action plan to implement these changes and put them into practice!