At the start of the new year it can take a bit of effort to get things moving.  You may have prepared a great strategic plan, set key objectives and may even be quite inspired by the year ahead but you just can’t seem to get started.  If you are struggling to get going here are some ideas that may just help you to kick start your year.

  • Prepare a simple task list for the first 2 or 3 weeks of January that has some relatively simple things that need to get done.  You will find by the end of January you have achieved a lot.
  • Set some realistic deadlines for these tasks and monitor your progress as each task is undertaken and completed.
  • Often just taking the first step can be the hardest part.  As such, just take that first step and start a task.  If you are looking too far ahead you may find yourself feeling daunted and as a result you keep putting off starting the task.
  • Break down the task into several steps or stages so you don’t get too focused on the long term end result which may appear a bit daunting.  Instead by braking the task down into realistic pieces or stages it can make each step easier to start and complete.
  • Try to avoid thinking you must have prepared the perfect faultless plan before you start the task.   Sometimes you can become focused on everything that may go wrong that stops you from starting the task.  Sure there may be problems but often the simple solution is to start the process and deal with each issue as it occurs.

The intention of these relatively simple ideas is that as you complete each one you can get the sense of achievement.  You will find that once you get a start and a bit of momentum you will find you have really got the year off to a great start.