pexels-photo-374897No matter how well you get along with your office mates, how passionate you may be about your role in your NFP, or how exciting your actual work may be, there are going to be times when activity levels slow. Eventually, the monotony of doing the same thing, day in and day out gets to you and starts to affect your performance.

Boredom is often the beginning of a loss of morale and increases the likelihood of errors occurring in the workplace as well. The following strategies can help you refocus and regain your sense of purpose as you fall in love with your work, all over again!

Are You Doing Too Much – Focus on the Essentials

If you are feeling overwhelmed and overworked, take time out and give your to-do list an honest review. Is every task on your list actually necessary, or is some of it busy work that you could do later, or delegate to someone else?

Focus on completing your most important tasks at the start of your workday when you have the most energy and motivation. Only work on your less essential duties later in the day once you’ve completed your critical tasks.

Break it Down

Are you feeling depressed because your work contains too many details? Break down big goals and projects into smaller tasks. As you complete each smaller step, keep a tally of the work that you have already accomplished and celebrate each win. This will keep your motivation revved up and make it easier to keep pushing forward!

Change Your Perspective

If you have a specifically tedious, time-consuming task, don’t focus on how detailed, or otherwise hard the work will be. Change your perspective and look at how the activity fits into the big picture. Focus on how completing the task will help to advance your cause to fire up your motivation to power through to the finish line!

Switch Up Your Surroundings

Our environment has a lot to do with our energy levels. How energised do you feel when you enter your workspace? Consider spending a few moments each day to organise your workspace so that it is less cluttered and more orderly to help you feel less stressed and readier to tackle difficult tasks.

Bump up the lighting to reduce eyestrain and add pops of colour, and comfort to your space so that you physically enjoy your space while you work.

Take on New Challenges

If your work is easy, and even a little bit dull, it’s probably a good sign that you need a new project to focus your energies upon. If your work is truly uninspiring as a volunteer or volunteer treasurer, don’t be afraid to ask for new assignments and more challenging work. Consider reaching out to your co-workers and offering your help, especially if you see someone that is struggling with their workload.

Learn a New Skill

All work and no play make for a very uneventful life. If you are truly bored at work, why not use some of your free time to pick up a new hobby? Learning a new skill boosts your mental flexibility and creativity in addition to increasing your energy and your value and worth to your NFP!

Get Up!

If you are feeling drained and stuck in a boring routine, it’s usually a sign that you need to move! Literally standing up and walking around can help your mind to switch focus and boost your energy when you are feeling sluggish and bored midday! Schedule regular breaks throughout your schedule so that you get up from your desk and move around to increase your blood flow, heart rate, and oxygen levels in your body so that you feel refreshed and re-energised and ready to conquer any remaining tasks for the day!