fence-wood-fence-wood-limit-48246When it’s time to go home for the day, how easy is it for you to switch mental gears and leave your concerns about deadlines at the office? Leaving work at work is becoming increasingly difficult because smartphones and other devices make it so easy to check your email and other messages at any time of the day or night! While it’s hard to let go sometimes, it’s an absolute must! Being constantly “on” and immediately available robs us of our much needed time away that we need to use to rest, reflect and rejuvenate.

The following three tips will help you to define your day better, so that you can reduce stress, recharge your batteries and increase your productivity.

Define Your Boundaries

One reason why so many of us are overworked is that we find it hard to set boundaries and limits with others. Your time is your most valuable commodity, so let go of the guilt about taking time for yourself. It’s okay not to be constantly available, but you need to set the proper expectations with others.

Define clear boundaries between your personal time and your professional duties. Let others know that you won’t be available to check and respond to emails during specific hours each day. During your time away from work, limit your exposure to your smartphone, social media and other technology to give your mind, body and spirit a true break.

Ask for Help

If your work duties demand a high degree of accuracy and focus on the details, it’s challenging to walk away from unfinished tasks at the end of your shift. If you don’t have enough time each day to devote to your most important work, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Look for ways where you can break down large assignments into smaller tasks, and then outsource or delegate some of the work so that you can be more productive.

Little Things Mean a lot When Added Up

You will probably need to start small at first, but, it is necessary to focus on carving out small chunks of your time each day where you can be alone with your thoughts. Tap into your creativity by using this time to allow your thoughts to wander. Write down your dreams and imaginings. Grab a cup of tea and savour it. Write a quick, handwritten note to a friend or loved one. Reflect on your blessings. Get up from your desk, walk outside and look up at the sky. Take some slow, deep breaths and feel the tension melt away from your body.

While it might not seem like a lot, taking small breaks of between 5 to 15 minutes in length to do something calming or energising a couple of times a day can give you the clarity  you need to get more done during your workday. And it will benefit you in the long run as you won’t feel so guilty when you need to take some time off.