
Many of the skills of a volunteer treasurer are evident at the outset. A volunteer treasurer needs to have a good command of figures, an orderly mind, an eye for detail and necessary budgeting experience. They must maintain good communication skills, be trustworthy, have excellent time keeping and ideally, possess suitable finance qualifications to undertake this important position.

Over and above all of that, leadership skills are an excellent asset to have when undertaking the role as a volunteer treasurer. Why you might ask!

Well for starters, their financial knowledge can be used to instruct and guide the board, often steering them in the right direction. With their thorough understanding of the financials, a volunteer treasurer can pass along their recommendations to the board leader and reframe the data so that everyone has a clear knowledge of the NFP’s financial situation.

Volunteer treasurers do a lot more than just balance the books. They are a huge part in determining the overall economic strategy and making sure that it is communicated to the board and set in motion. For much of this, leadership qualities such as being able to inspire and source ideas through creative methods are required.

Volunteer treasurers also need to take on some strategic thinking to achieve an NFP’s long-term goals. And when things get hectic, they need to be able to delegate. Again these two skills are well ingrained in any leadership role.

These two positions are not so far removed from each other as you might have thought at the outset. In fact, many of the skills required for a leadership role are more than welcomed, and quite often desired, in someone fulfilling a treasurer position.

The board leader and the volunteer treasurer could do very well in working closely together to ensure your NFP is committed to staying on course, meeting its aim and ensuring success for all involved.