marketing with animalsWe can learn a lot from the way charities use social media for marketing – to inform and excite.  Direct sales pitches are generally kept to a minimum and information is shared through stories and case studies.  Connections are made.  Interested is peaked.

Let’s take a closer look.

Pet’s Haven 

The first thing I noticed when I looked at the Pet’s Haven Facebook page was how well they tap into their reader’s subject of interest.  They attract animal lovers from near and far, therefore a request such as asking their fans to send in photos of their pet easily gained much support and a stronger connection to the page.

Pet’s Haven love to share photographs of the cute and cuddly pets and their real life stories, a simple but effective way to win over the reader’s affections.  And who doesn’t love a happy ending – they share “Happy Home Tails” to showcase how adopting a pet can be successful for everyone involved.

Cashing in on the cute factor without a ‘do this’ or ‘try this’ element will gain them many long term fans willing to spread the Pet’s Haven message.

Edgar’s Mission

Aww, baby animal photos; again simple but effective.  Those who support animal pages will want to see those kinds of pictures in their feed.  And here not only do the animals get a feature but there are plenty of pictures of the local community and supporters of the cause.  Show a picture of 5 people and you can bet your bottom dollar, those 5 people will fan your page.  Show another 5 and boom!

What I really love about this page which differentiates them from many others is that they have a sense of humour and aren’t afraid to use it to spread a serious message.  Whether it is in their “Fun Fact Friday” or just a silly photo or caption, readers will enjoy seeing a little splash of cheer to brighten their day.

So What Can We Learn?

Telling stories about the people (or animals) you help will earn you much Facebook love.  Asking people to contribute their own stories or pictures which are related to the subject will enable your readers to connect more fully with your page.  They will revel in reading your posts especially those which touch the emotions and pull on the heart strings.  And as I mentioned, a happy ending in which you can show the difference you are making in this world will give them a reason to continue to support your page well into the future.

The Moral Of The Story

Not only will your fans enjoy reading your posts, after a while, they will actually start to look forward to reading what you have to say.  They will actively visit your page as a source of inspiration and miss your stories when they aren’t around to read them.

So get creative; get personal; allow them to fall in love with your message and see the difference it makes.