keyboard-886462_640The financial security of Australia’s community organisations is being given a boost by the publication of a new financial online guide for not-for-profit officers. The Guide for Community Financial Officers, developed by Westpac’s Davidson Institute, is designed to educate and clarify pertinent information for those who are involved in the financial side of not-for-profits, and will answer many of the niggling questions newcomers to the field may have.

A little guidance goes a long way

Jacqui Logan-Powell, Westpac’s National Manager for Working Capital and Industry Specialisation, is promoting the guide as a “part of (the bank’s) ongoing work to ensure community organisations have ready access to the information they need to operate effectively in a complex and changing financial environment”. She recognises that with many Australians being members of community organisations, the financial security of the sector is very important. The hope is that the information contained in the guide will empower individuals to serve their organisations more effectively, so the organisations can, in turn, continue to serve their communities.

Worthwhile, relevant contents

Lee White, Chief Executive of Chartered Accountants, says the guide aims to meet the needs of financial officers with all levels of experience, and thinks it can be useful to prepare them with the tools they will need to face many different types of challenges. The contents are relevant, useful, and approved by registered accountants as up to date and accurate. Ideally, people making the most of the information contained within the guide can conduct business smoothly, accurately, and with confidence.

Getting the team to work for free!

At Admin Bandit, we work with numerous volunteer treasurers and other financial officers, and understand how important and complex their work can be. We are happy to share news of the development of this guide, as it, like our software, will help many of our clients perform their work to the highest standards. The guide is free to download online, and can be perused at the user’s own pace. It contains information and advice that will help financial officers and others in their organisations to be aware of what it is they need to achieve, to be successful in their roles. When all board members are on the same page, misunderstandings can be reduced or eliminated altogether.

There is nothing to lose and everything to gain for volunteer treasurer to take the time to peruse the Guide for Community Financial Officers.