blog trafficIf your blog posts aren’t seeing the amount of traffic and conversions that you expect, the cause could be the way in which you are telling your NFP’s stories.  The following blog writing tips will help you tell better stories that encourage others to pitch in and help your NFP achieve its mission and service goals.

Does Your Content Inspire Communication and Connection?

The first step in improving the impact of your blog is to focus on interest stories that connect your NFP with its followers on an emotional level. The stories that you tell should illustrate just how your NFP is making a difference in the lives of specific individuals or groups in your service community through its good works. This helps you to build your NFP’s reputation, start conversations and strengthen relationships in your community.

Does Your Content Remain Fresh?

It’s also a good idea to give some thought into creating original, lasting content that remains meaningful long after its first publication date. This type of content is also known as “evergreen” because it remains fresh and can be left on your site indefinitely to increase your authority in your NFP’s area of expertise.

Is Your Content Well-Written and Concise?

Take care to use proper punctuation and grammer, as well as avoid content that is overly long and doesn’t get to the point. After all, you don’t want to annoy readers with grammatical errors or exhaust them with content that is simply too long to read. Having an editor or team to proofread and check content before it is published will go a long way to ensuring that your blog posts make the right impression on your readers.

Does Your Content Include a Call to Action and Express Gratitude?

Effective content for your NFP’s blog will not just incite emotion in your readers, it will also convey useful or interesting information, and also include a call for the reader to take action.  Don’t forget to periodically include posts that show your NFP’s gratitude to the community and that thank volunteers, donors and others that support your NFP’s efforts.  A simple thank you, as well as a call to join in and help your NFP make a difference will go a long way to increasing support for your NFP and its mission.

Sharing Really Is Caring – So Make it Easy

While it’s becoming rarer for followers to directly comment on blog posts, most folks will like, and even share, content that they enjoy or find useful.  Make it easy for your followers to spread the word about your latest posts by including links and buttons that make it easy for them to directly share your blog posts to the most popular social media networks, such as Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and more!

Don’t Forget to Update Often!

One last blog writing tip to keep in mind is to not forget to update your NFP’s blog on a regular and consistent basis. Doing so will help to ensure that you keep your new followers coming back for more!

Making certain that your NFP’s blog posts incorporate each of these tips can take a bit of getting used to, but they will help you to increase the visibility and support for your NFP. As you readership and supporters increase, you will see that it is well worth the hard work and effort to tell better stories that help your NFP to strengthen its bonds and support in the community through effective storytelling.