PledgeMany business are interested in helping their employees find ways to volunteer in their community.  These same companies are looking for ways to offer their products as well as their equity to help others around them.  Unfortunately, that is where it ends.  Because companies often do not have the experience, or do not know where or how to start, so they do nothing.

Enter Pledge 1%.

Pledge 1% encourages businesses to offer 1% of their products, their employees, or their business capital to the community around them.  By doing this, employees who want to be civic minded, who desire to contribute to the community around them but are not sure where to begin, have an organized outlet which to accomplish this goal.

When a company decides they want to participate in Pledge 1% they first choose if they want to contribute their employees, their products, or their equity.  There is also the option to pledge all 3. They can look at other businesses models to get an idea of how they want their company to proceed.   There are tips of how to get employees involved that line up with their talents and interests.  They can learn how the products they sell can impact the community around them.

Another great opportunity with Pledge 1% is that the company can choose who they want to give their time, talents, or equity to.  It is not decided for you and therefore, the company feels a greater connection because it is with whom they are wanting to work with and with a group that can receive the best impact from that company’s equity, their employees, or their products.

Pledge 1% offers resources, case studies, and best practices to help companies make the best use of their time, to not re-create the wheel and instead focus on their philanthropic outlets, knowing they will be well utilized.

Pledge 1% answers all the questions and helps companies get started by advising how to promote the information to their employees.  They also help with appropriate forms to use like Letters of Commitment and Volunteer Time-Off Forms.  Everything is figured out for the company.  All they need to do it start with the step by step instructions and complete the necessary forms.  It is quite simple and all the hard work is taken out of the process.

Pledge 1% is a great opportunity for businesses large or small, with just a few or over 100 on their payroll.  It is an opportunity to start in a small way contributing to the community around them and grow to make a big impact for not only themselves, their employees, and the people around them.