emailsNo matter how much you may enjoy the act of writing, or how good you happen to be at it, at some point in our lives most of us struggle with finding just the right words to convey what we are thinking and feeling. When it comes to fundraising activities, writing can be especially challenging. Being able to find and use the right words for your campaign emails is central to helping you build a connection with donors and volunteers and persuading them to help your cause.

The next time that you are composing a campaign email, use the following tips to help ensure that you strike just the right cord with your non-profit’s supporters.

Phrases that Encourage Commitment

When composing a fund raising email, you want to be certain to include words and phrases that encourage your supporters to take action now. Phrases that work well to promote this type of response include, “Can you chip in and help?” and “Can you help keep the momentum going?”

Another technique is to use phrases that explain exactly what action you want from your supporters and how it will specifically benefit your non-profit’s mission. Phrases that can help you earn a commitment and action from your followers includes: “We need just (X-insert amount) dollars to be able to reach our goal and provide (X- insert services) – can you step up and pitch in?” or “With just a donation of (X – insert amount), our charity can accomplish (X-insert mission or goals) – are you in?”

Don’t Be Afraid to Resend an Email That’s Worked in the Past

Do you have campaign emails that received a great response in the past? Don’t be embarrassed if you are thinking of reusing phrases, or even whole passages, from your prior emails. If you do decide to reuse content from an old email, consider adding a short note at the beginning of the email to explain why you are resending it. Use words and phrases such as “Did you see this?” “There’s still time to make a difference,” and “I don’t want you to miss out,” to convey a sense of urgency while providing an explanation for the resent email.

If you want to resend an email that’s been sent in the last week or so, consider adding a line such as, “last chance,” “just a few hours left to make a difference,” or “can we count on you?” to the beginning so that the addressee understands why you are resending the email so soon while you also encourage donations.

Don’t Forget to Update Your Subject Lines to Promote a Sense of Urgency

You may have the greatest fundraising email in the world, but it won’t matter if your recipient leaves it in their Inbox, unopened and unread. Words and phrases to use in your subject line to encourage your supporters to open and read your messages quickly include: “Urgent,” “We Need Your Help – Please Respond,” as well as “Last Chance,” “Don’t Wait,” and “We’re so Close, But We’re Running Out of Time – Can You Help?”

Learning how to use email to connect with your non-profit’s supporters on an emotional level, and convince them to help can be difficult as it’s partly an art form that requires insight, patience and practice.  These strategies can help you get started on the path to improving your communication with your supporters and improving the reception and response to your message.