Ripe grapes, wine glasses and bottles of wine isolated on whiteRegardless of the time of year, you can start planning for a variety of fundraising projects to help you get through the summer months. During the warmer months, you will find that people are more open to giving or participating. Smiles are broad, and life takes on a slower pace. So take advantage of your donor’s enthusiasm and generosity and start organising.

Arrange a community BBQ

Barbeques are the ultimate summertime event. It won’t be hard to find volunteers to grill up the hamburgers and sausages. Set up some outdoor seating or offer takeaway options. You can even lay out some picnic blankets for a ready-made picnic.

Plan a car wash

Car washes are a great way for your nonprofit to raise money and expand awareness. They cost little to set up but can reap plenty of rewards. Make sure you advertise the event before the day, have plenty of signage on hand and be ready with a flyer to enable interested parties to give or volunteer.

Organise a sporting event

Sports activities are a great way to rally the community together and spread the word about your charity. If a walk-a-thon is not of interest, you can go with any of the other similar themes including a marathon, beach volleyball tournament, bike-a-thon or even a swim-a-thon.

Arrange a wine tasting

There is something about summer and wine! Ask for local stores to donate wine and invite individuals to sample the wine for a fee. Of course, participants will need to be 18 and older to participate! It is a great way to promote your charity, raise some money and bring some awareness to some of the local vineyards in the area.

Set up a booth

Why not arrange for a booth at one of your local farmer’s markets or fairs? It can help you directly engage with the locals and help them learn a bit more about your nonprofit. You can also sell raffle tickets and collect donations while chatting to the locals.

Facilitate a concert or outdoor movie

People love to get out and about in summer. Consider hosting a summertime concert or outdoor movie to bring the crowds out in droves. You can charge a small cover fee and sell food and drink to help increase the profit margin.

Host an Art Show

You will be surprised to learn that there are probably many talented artists in the area. You could charge a cover fee to the art event or raffle off some of the donated art to raise money for your cause. Again you can make it an adults only event by adding the price of wine and cheese in the cover charge.

There are so many ways you can inspire the general public and raise some money and awareness for your charity. These ideas are definitely a great place to start.