volunteers and insuranceMost NFPs are busy places, with a number of staff coming and going in different capacities, and much valuable work is done by volunteers. These staff members are not always covered by the same contracts or defined roles within the organisation, and some volunteers are contributing in a temporary capacity, so one thing that can be overlooked is proper insurance for volunteer  workers.

NFPs should take note the possibility that not all activities by their volunteers are protected by liability legislation or insurance. Likewise, volunteers should be sure to seek information from organisations about exactly how they are covered by an organisation’s insurance before taking on duties or standing as board members.

As NFP boards are often made up of volunteers, those people, particularly, may need to be completely attentive to their duties to ensure they are covered by liability insurance. For instance, volunteers considering serving as treasures should do so only after checking in with the accountants of an organisation, and ensuring the people in charge of an organisation’s finances are competent and qualified. In that way opportunities to misappropriate funds by any personnel  are minimised, and volunteers working as treasurers are somewhat protected.

It is imperative that volunteers find out about the policies and procedures within an orgainisation, as the more they know about it the more they can make sure their contribution is in line with the missions and methods of the organisation. By participating in line with predetermined systems of operation, volunteers are less likely to find themselves in any trouble.

Ideally, NFPs will have liability insurance coverage in place that will protect their volunteers in most instances, making it easy to attract volunteers who simply wish to make a difference. The day to day work of an NFP organisation should never be hampered from getting important work done by fear of legal trouble causing volunteers or other workers to hesitate in their duties.