pexels-photo-296881Despite the fact that the population itself is becoming more diverse, many nonprofits are failing to take action to increase diversity within their organisations. While some nonprofits have achieved greater gender balance on their boards and staff, and have actively sought to recruit candidates from multiple ethnic and racial backgrounds, any gains are quickly erased. The nonprofit sector is a stressful one, burnout and high turnover are common, which makes it more difficult to sustain diversity efforts.

Nonprofits Benefit When Diversity and Inclusion are a Top Priority

Nonprofits really have to step up to the responsibility to help create a more just society. There are also a number of benefits conferred on organisations when their boards and staff are more diverse and inclusive.

Perhaps the most significant benefit of increasing diversity is that it allows NFPs to have greater Insight into issues from the perspectives offered by folks of diverse backgrounds. This makes nonprofits more responsive to their service community and its needs and helps to advance the mission forward.

Nonprofits are also more likely to be able to meet their fundraising and staffing targets as increasing diversity increases the pool of potential volunteers and donors and makes it much easier to recruit top talent.

Having a more diverse organisation also provides a boost to reputation; making other nonprofits and third parties more willing to partner and collaborate. As diversity increases, everyone literally wins!

Taking Action

It is important to note that diversity in this sense primarily refers to ethnicity, race and gender; with the goal being to create a more balanced workspace that genuinely represents everyone.

It’s not enough to list diversity as a corporate goal; your actions must match your speech! Leadership should begin by formally addressing the issue of diversity within the board, as well as staff and volunteers. Active efforts must be made to eliminate bias and stereotypes from speech, as well as processes. Leadership should increase transparency regarding their decisions that impact diversity.

Goals and targets should be set and progress towards greater inclusiveness measured. Leadership must be held accountable for the results to create actual change within the organisation.

Recruiting and Retention

To create sustainable diversity, NFPs should thoroughly evaluate their existing recruiting and training programs. Like other types of organisations, nonprofits that want a more diverse makeup and inclusive environment need to take the lead and have greater sensitivity towards the needs of members of minority populations. Be wary of racial and ethnic profiling and avoid tokenism.

Rethink what it means for recruits to be a “good fit” for your nonprofits’ culture. What messages are you sending potential candidates about what it takes to “fit in” and succeed at your nonprofit? What steps are you making to increase the diversity of your leadership team? In addition to your front-line staff and volunteers, what training and development programs does your organisation have that are specifically geared towards making it easier for everyone to grow personally and professionally and have opportunities to lead and advance in your NFP?