pexels-photo-320007Being able to balance your energy levels so that you have enough time to devote to your personal interests, as well as your professional work and volunteer efforts, is typically quite the challenge. But, it’s an obstacle that treasurers and others must overcome to live a full and satisfying life. Check out the following tips to help you reduce stress and welcome more balance and harmony into your life!

Be Honest About Your Limitations

One of the most important building blocks of achieving work-life balance is to learn how to create realistic schedules. You are only one person. If you are trying to cram in all the work and activities of ten people, it’s no wonder you are exhausted all the time!

When creating your schedule, be aware that different seasons require different levels of work and commitment and alter your schedules accordingly. Avoid taking on too many responsibilities and commitments in the areas of your life.

It really is okay if you don’t do it all. Learn to set boundaries between your personal time, the time you spend at work and the time that you give to your cause. Prioritise your time and learn how to say no.

Leave free time in your schedule to increase flexibility and reduce stress. Schedule downtime so that you can rest and recharge.

Be Prepared

It’s easier to take on challenges and accomplish our goals when we are well-prepared. Take advantage of training opportunities to improve your skill level and expertise. Look for free and low-cost resources that can help bring you up to par quickly when you lack specific experience. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others within your organisation.

If you have specific tasks and responsibilities that  are too daunting and outside your comfort zone, consider outsourcing on a limited, as needed basis, to bring in talent with the experience and background to complete the task.

Focus on Self-Care and Healthy Habits

Life can be hectic, and complicated, but no matter how crazy busy your schedule might happen to become, it’s much easier to deal with everything when you are in good health. Take the time to adopt good habits that support optimal health, such as scheduling in time for exercise and getting a restful night’s sleep on a regular basis.

Eat nutritious foods, drink plenty of water, and make sure that your workstation is ergonomically designed to reduce the wear and tear on your body throughout the day. Take breaks throughout each day to get up and move around to help you relieve physical and mental tension and reduce the strain on your physical body and spiritual being.

Emphasise the Positive

There are negatives with every job and opportunity but learn to focus on the positive aspects. Avoid resentment and learn to let things go.

Accept that you are human and not perfect. Stop comparing yourself to others, whether it’s in the office or at home. Count your blessings and focus on the positive aspects of your tasks, and how each task, no matter how tedious, time-consuming or boring, is bringing you that much closer to achieving your goals.

Be Mindful of What You Consume

The need to keep a watchful eye on what you allow into your life goes way beyond counting calories and avoiding too many carbs. Look for ways to destress your routines at home and in the office by being careful about the things that you listen to and focus on throughout your day.

Limit your consumption of news and other media, especially as you start your day and right before bedtime. Avoid office politics and interpersonal dramas as well as limit the time you spend around high consumers of your emotional energy such as your local ‘Negative’ Nancy or ‘Gloomy’ Glen.

As much as possible, surround yourself with those activities, objects and people that bring a smile to your face, lift you up, and give you that boost of energy and inspiration that you need to power through the rest of your day!